Best AMAs on Reddit for celebrities in the tech industry

    Celebrities are people who an average Joe considers to be people of another world or dimension due to the influences of their popularity and standing in life.

    These people became popular either through their actions or contributions to the progress of mankind, or even both.

    However, there are times when they have pauses in their daily lives when they are able to reach out to other people and give them a glimpse into their world through interactions at events and on the web.

    These web interactions are more commonly known as Ask Me Anythings, or AMAs. For the average Joe, this is their chance to learn more about this celebrity, their work, and their opinions on various topics.

    Here are some of the most interesting AMAs that have happened in the tech industry.

    Bill Gates

    As the founder of Microsoft and developer of the Windows operating system, we, as a civilization, owe a lot to Bill Gates and his work. As such, the chance of asking him about his Windows creation endeavors and thoughts on various topics is a one in a million chance, which finally came on February 12, 2013.

    Gates hosted the AMA on r/IamA on the forum website Reddit, which gave people the opportunity to ask him about his thoughts on his portrayal in Pirates of Silicon Valley, what he would have done if Microsoft hadn’t said the way they did, and even his thoughts on tennis.

    Gates then posted a video of himself on YouTube answering the most frequently asked question in the thread, adding to the topic’s credibility.

    The AMA for Gates had about 26,400 comments before it was archived.

    Elon Musk

    Perhaps one of the friendliest people in the world, Elon Musk constantly posts his thoughts and opinions on social media, especially on Twitter, which he now owns nine percent of. In fact, the AMA has not only hosted one, which is already an feat in itself, but has done two in the span of two years.

    Musk got his first AMA in r/spacex, where he invited people to ask him about becoming a space-faring civilization. He later created a thread in r/IamA which opened him more to people’s questions about his thoughts on a hybrid craft, a space mission to Europa (one of Jupiter’s moons), and the safety of AI.

    His first AMA contains 5,078 comments while his second has 10,800 comments before being archived.

    Steve Wozniak

    As the co-founder of Apple, Steve Wozniak is one of the people who can provide a window into what it was like working for Apple during its early years and what it was like working with the late Steve Jobs.

    He mentioned in his AMA at r/IamA also linked to a Reddit interview with him for a new series called “Formative”. He hoped the AMA would clear up any misunderstanding of Apple’s founding and give people a good opportunity to learn about it.

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    In his AMA, Wozniak was asked what he thought of Tim Cook’s handling of Apple, what the toughest hurdle he had to overcome, and his favorite tool at the time.

    The AMA received 6,925 comments from Wozniak before it was archived.

    Mark Randolph

    As the co-founder of Netflix and the company’s first CEO, Marc Randolph is akin to contemporary Bill Gates as he ran off a winning formula and made it grow at a time when streaming services were a new idea.

    While not a social media expert like Elon Musk, Randolph has been able to host two successful AMAs on Reddit: one on r/netflix and one on r/IamA, the newer of the two.

    Randolph was asked during the AMAs for his thoughts on whether there was a way to prevent ripped streaming services from switching to a new version of cable TV, the company culture of Netflix in its early days, and whether or not he was associated with Sigmund Freud (it is!).

    Randolph has 381 comments on his first AMA while the second received 1,657 comments before being archived.

    Palmer Loki

    Palmer Luckey is the designer of Rift, a crowdfunded virtual reality headset on Kickstarter. The Rift is actually the Oculus Rift, which is arguably the first marketable VR headset, according to the verdict. Like Randolph, he was also a contemporary of Bill Gates through the Oculus Rift.

    In his AMA on r/IamA, Luckey was mostly asked about his plans on whether he’ll release the Rift SDK or developer documentation, whether the Oculus Rift will eventually have a 120Hz screen, and what additional features the oculus crack will have if Additional money was spent on its development at that time.

    Luckey’s AMA obtained 510 comments before being archived.

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