4 fitness trends that may not work for you

    This article originally appeared on Oxygen

    The fitness industry is a vast wasteland of exaggerated fitness fads and quick fitness plans. While we’ve previously covered some of the most popular fitness myths in “12 Common Fitness Myths,” we thought it might be worth taking another look to see. What new fads have emerged and which ones deserve all this attention.

    Fitness Fad #1: The No Days Off Mindset

    With 24/7 access to fitness fads and the “no-leave” inspiration bombarding our social media, the motivation to stay fit can easily come out. While it’s great to keep the focus on improving health and wellness, having faith in it More is always better may not pay off the way you think.

    “I’ve seen a lot of people fall victim to the ‘no time off’ mantra,” says Joel Cavagnaro, MD, MS in exercise physiology and executive director of Level TEN Coaching. Your fitness.”

    Not taking a day off every week is a recipe for disaster. As Cavagnaro explains, this type of continuous physical activity keeps our sympathetic nervous system — also known as the “fight, fly, or freeze” system — active, which means our “rest and digest” parasympathetic nervous system has no chance of activating and thriving. This can lead to decreased metabolic health, poor menstrual function, decreased immunity and even decreased mental health.

    Bottom line: No matter what purpose you’re training for or how important that ultimate fitness goal is, you need days off to rest and recover.

    Fitness Fad #2: Tracking Technique

    There is no denying that fitness technology has come a long way in the past several years. From running apps and calorie trackers to wearables that measure heart rate and sleep patterns, modern technology has provided many useful trackers for developing healthy habits. And with better apps, new equipment, and tools emerging every day, this is a fitness fad that shows no signs of stopping.

    But what happens when you get a little bit tech-obsessed, shall we? If you’re constantly checking your Apple Watch, Fitbit, or Garmin to see how many calories you’re burning in any given minute, you may be missing out on the bigger picture.

    “Fitness programs that force people to overly focus on burning calories is a tough pass for me,” Cavagnaro says. “There are many benefits to strength training and exercise as a whole, and caloric expenditure shouldn’t be the ultimate driver of your fitness journey.” Not only can the number on the screen be very inaccurate, but this calorie-burning obsession can also lead to a negative relationship with food and exercise in the long run.

    Bottom line: Fitness technology is useful for developing healthy habits and tracking your progress. Just don’t let it control your life.

    Fitness Fad #3: Miracle Diets and Supplements

    If you watch the morning news shows or frequent health websites, you’re bound to see a new story or article promoting the latest “miracle” fitness fad in the form of a mystery diet or supplement.

    While some foods and supplements have a long track record of promoting better health or improving energy and metabolism, be wary of newcomers, especially if the promises sound too good to be true.

    “Anytime a new fitness fad comes to market, it’s important to ask questions,” Cavagnaro says. “How long has this trendy new thing been around? Is there current research on it? Have its benefits been documented in a peer-reviewed journal?”

    Even real results are often misunderstood or exaggerated by the time they reach the consumer. To separate fact from fiction, just answer a few logical questions: Does this fashion align with your current goals? Is it sustainable? Is he an extremist? Is your health above prioritizing your body? While checking every new food or fitness supplement may seem like it takes a lot of work, it’s better than diving into something that could cause real harm.

    Bottom line: Check reliable sources and use common sense before embarking on a new diet or supplement.

    Fitness fad #4: 10,000 steps

    Perhaps the most underrated fitness fad of the past few years, the 10,000-step-a-day fad has gained strong support among Forbes CEOs and retired grandmothers alike. Maybe it’s because it’s so easy to remember – 10,000 round numbers is great – and it plays well with other fitness fads (use this Fitbit app!). But is this a popular fad Is that true Worth all the hype?

    Although it can be difficult to lose weight or transform your body by walking on your own, this particular fad has its advantages. It’s not that reaching 10,000 steps magically unlocks new levels of vitality and longevity. Walking is one of the simplest things we can do for our physical and mental health, and the 10,000-step goal is a surprisingly motivating way to achieve it.

    “I am a firm believer that walking is one of the most underappreciated things we can do for our health,” Cavagnaro says. “We know that walking lowers the risk of heart disease, improves insulin sensitivity, helps control blood pressure and cholesterol, improves sleep, enhances immune function, improves digestion, reduces stress and increases thermogenesis for non-exercise activity, all of which contribute even more to our total expenditures. daily calorie intake. So the next time your mom walks the living room to “get her steps,” skip the eye roll and join the fad of easy and free fitness.

    Bottom line: It’s not the number that makes this magical contraption, but the motivation to get up and move!

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