8 lucky plants that can bring positive energy into your home

    Need a little luck? Try adding lucky plants to your space! Houseplants grow in almost any area, from your kitchen to your office and everywhere in between. It is known to improve mental health and reduce stress levels. And now they can (allegedly) bring luck into your life too!

    Houseplants are more than just modern home decor. They are living creatures that need sun, water, and lots of care to grow in the wonderful, dreamy greenery we know and love. And while there is no science to support the claim that plants can bring good luck, many cultures consider plants a symbol of life, balance, and positivity.

    Whether you believe in symbolism or not, houseplants are still a wonderful addition to any space. If you’re choosing a new plant, check out these lucky options.

    8 lucky plants that are believed to bring good luck

    1. Lucky Bamboo

    lucky plants

    Lucky bamboo is not the bamboo we are used to. It is a type of Dracaena, and is also a lucky symbol in Feng-Shui, a traditional Chinese practice that creates harmony in the natural world. Luck depends on the number of stems of the plant. Two legs represent love, three represent wealth, longevity, etc.

    Care Instructions: Lucky bamboo plants are hard to kill. Keep the lucky bamboo in a container with adequate drainage; The plant loves moist soil. Also, water with filtered water and give your plant plenty of light.

    2. Money Tree

    White ceramic mug on brown wooden table

    The money tree is a humid tropical tree. And yes, it is believed to bring prosperity. These trees actually make a great gift, especially for someone who has just moved into a new home or got a new job. Plus it is safe for pets.

    Care Instructions: Money trees need medium to bright indirect sunlight and require infrequent watering. Water your plant only when most of the soil is dry, and be sure to plant it in a pot with adequate drainage. The tree grows best in warmer temperatures and needs extra moisture in the winter.

    3. Jade Plant

    lucky plants

    Jade plants are also associated with friendship, money, and good luck. why? Because of the coin-shaped papers! These plants are succulent, and some jade plants grow white or pink flowers. They are also easy to care for.

    Care Instructions: These plants can grow indoors or outdoors and love sunlight. Water only when the soil is completely dry. These plants also thrive in rocky soil or sand.

    4. Eucalyptus

    green plant in brown vse

    We want good luck And A refreshing scent for your space? Eucalyptus plants are the way to go. Their scent is usually associated with hygiene, and these plants are known to relieve cold symptoms and joint pain.

    Care Instructions: Most eucalyptus plants need at least eight hours of sunlight and regular watering. These plants grow quickly, so be sure to prune and shape the plant as needed.

    5. Lucky Shamrock Factory

    lucky plants

    Lucky shamrocks are very popular on St. Patrick’s Day, but that doesn’t mean this plant can still bring you luck. Although shamrocks are dormant in the summer, they will sprout again in the fall.

    Care Instructions: During the growing months, the soil should be kept moist. Water once or twice a month. Bulbs can be planted in early spring or fall.

    6. Potted orchids

    Pink and white orchid moth close-up

    Potted orchids are believed to bring prosperity to the whole family, they are a bright and positive addition to any living or working space. And if you take care of them correctly, they will live all year round.

    Care Instructions: Orchids need bright, indirect sunlight and can be watered once a week. Be careful not to over-water or use cold water – you don’t want to shock the root system. And be sure to switch the orchid pot as needed.

    7. Boston Fern

    Green leaves under the white sky during the day

    Boston ferns are less commonly known as lucky plants, but your space can’t be spoiled with one. These plants are known to purify the air – and possibly rid you of negative energy. They are known to be attractive, so placing them by doorways may bring home vibes!

    Care Instructions: Keep the soil moist and provide the plant with indirect sunlight. In the winter months, indoor fern may need additional moisture. Gently spray the soil and leaves once or twice a week.

    8. Snake Plant

    lucky plants

    Another air purifying plant is the snake plant. It is known to absorb toxins from the air we breathe – leaving us with positive energy and prosperity.

    Care Instructions: These plants like bright, indirect sunlight. It grows slower when in the shade. These plants also like warmer temperatures. Let the soil dry out before watering to prevent root rot.

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