Has this celebrity gossip account turned into a media empire?

    DeuxMoi has become one of the hottest places on the internet, with everyone stuck at home, growing alarmed by the news and too excited for distraction. It has been on the rise ever since.

    Isn’t that just a chatter mag?

    DeuxMoi is similar to traditional gossip magazines in many ways. He posts candid snapshots of celebrities who have been spotted on the street or in cafes and speculates heavily on their relationships. But the big difference is that everyone can easily participate in the event.

    The pictures do not come from the paparazzi and the rumors do not necessarily spread from “sources close to the couple”. Users can submit stories they heard from friends of friends or theories they came up with after diving deep into someone’s Instagram.

    If the creator of the account finds it interesting, the content will then be posted on DeuxMoi Stories, often anonymously – and always without any independent verification.

    The fun of DeuxMoi lies in the wild speculation. But also the fact that it is often true.


    DeuxMoi’s followers were among the first to hear about the fact that Harry Styles and Olivia Wilde were dating, for example. The account was filled with news and rumors about Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s divorce before it was announced publicly. It also accurately predicted parts of the Armie Hammer saga.

    Thanks to some clever guides, DeuxMoi’s followers got a drop that the actor had been abandoned by his agent and fired from an upcoming movie. Followers spent days speculating on the possible causes and exchanging rumors.

    The account has its detractors. Some have concerns about its disregard for celebrity privacy: it’s one thing to have well-known paparazzi and rumor writers, but it’s another to have a global network of active contributors reporting on people’s locations in real time.

    Others deal with the account’s lack of accountability or concern for what’s right and what’s not.

    Does it matter that the author and their sources are anonymous? Is there a line in what to and what not to report or speculate about? Does anything change the account that now has a greater following than some of the major media publications?

    It’s easy to give quick responses to these questions, but it’s much more difficult when you consider the relationship between traditional tabloid mugs and the truth. Although there have been at least two decades of reports claiming otherwise, for example, no, Jennifer Aniston is not pregnant.

    What do you expect from the novel and the TV series?

    The novel is titled anonymous please (Referring to the way guides request blind items on DeuxMoi Instagram Stories), it would be “inspired by real-life events.”

    It tells the story of a designer assistant named Cricket Lopez who started a gossip Instagram account for celebrities on a whim, then explodes overnight.


    “As the account grows and gains more and more notoriety,” says the description, “she has to wonder: Is — fame, access from within, an escape from real life — really worth losing everything she has?”

    On the other hand, the creator of DeuxMoi seems to have everything in place. Although she has always been wary of calling herself out of fear of losing her job, by adjusting podcasts, books and TV in the works, DeuxMoi will be on her way to making a steady profit.