Josette Takajik is an iconic fitness guru

    A celebrity fitness expert and wellness champion talks about healing rheumatoid arthritis, naturally.
    Thomas Linden

    Curing the disease without pharmaceutical intervention has long been considered difficult and unreliable. Science has yet to prove this is possible and thousands of those who have been cured are considered “medical miracles”. We learn here that this may be part of the plan.

    Celebrity Zumba educator Josette Takasik passionately shares how she healed RA in her audio chats and episode series (some of which share the stage with other wellness icons including Jack Canfield, Don Miguel Ruiz, Lynne McGuart, Dr. Bruce Lipton and more). Here we sit with Josette and get an amazing dose of inspiration.

    Josette Takajik

    When were you diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis?

    I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in February 2011. Looking back, I was in such a massive amount of stress that I simply pressed the metaphorical override button. I was eating a very unhealthy diet, was struggling in my marriage etc. I say all this because I am sure that these were contributing factors to the onset of the disease.

    I was a new mother and my son was two years old at the time of my diagnosis. I’m sure stress and poor diet contributed – the disease was horrific.

    You are unable to work. On top of the malaise that illness brings, the flames were unbearable and unpredictable. One day they were on my wrist, my knee, and the next day it was the neck. Any part of my body affected by a joint.

    My world soon sank into managing pain and disease.

    What was the prognosis?

    There is a standard diagnosis and guidance once rheumatoid arthritis is confirmed. Massive pharmaceutical intervention to slow progression. This is.

    I was very frustrated because no matter how much I asked the question “Why is that?” No specialist, expert, or anyone can give an answer. I suppose this was my first red flag. I started seeing the real medical system and it just made no sense to me to put someone on all these toxic drugs without knowing why. I mean, I’d rather find out what caused this and address this issue first. This is what I did in the end.

    How did you decide to go normally?

    Well, as I mentioned, I was frustrated. I’ve always trusted my doctors and never had a problem with Western medicine, but then again, I never really needed them as much as I did in that moment, and I felt like something was really wrong. How can these “specialists” who spend their lives as disease experts know nothing about the causes of disease? My life, my son, felt like a legacy worth at least trying. Try to find a different way. There was a strong feeling in my soul to go a different path. It was very painful, and I wasn’t sure about anything, but I was sure I had to listen to my heart. So I did.

    How did your doctors and family react to this decision?

    Doctors fired me. They acted as if I was a moron going back because the pain was awful (and it was) – they seemed puzzled because I doubted their knowledge or rather the lack of it.

    My family did not quite understand. My husband respected my choice and stood with me. In the end, it was the greatest support I received from my soul, because once I decided, I felt the right information, the right doors open. Whenever I trusted that there was another way appeared this way.

    And you healed 100% or went into remission?

    I no longer have any disease. 100% healed. According to blood tests and many experts, I consider it a medical miracle. I got this case in 2016 after blood tests confirmed no evidence of disease. I stopped feeling symptoms about a year into my recovery journey. I don’t know if this is an initial remission or not because I haven’t gone back to these doctors. It was the doctor attending my Zumba class who insisted on getting the blood tests done because after seeing the original blood tests she couldn’t believe I was symptom-free.

    Well, how did you do that?

    That’s the million dollar question, isn’t it? A lot of people ask me about diet, the YES diet is a big part of the healing process but healing is multidimensional. Diet alone can’t heal you — but yes, an alkaline diet is a necessary adaptation. My discovery of deeper self-knowledge and how we create disease has been a huge part of my journey, so mindfulness, self-awareness, and deeper work is also part of the process. I can tell you that healing is an inner work – there is nothing outside of you that can do it for you. I can also say that our ability to be extraordinary is untapped for many. I have discovered that we can not only tap into our body’s intrinsic healing capabilities but also our ability to manifest our dreams.

    I spoke at length about how I recovered in the Healing course. I don’t want to give a flimsy quick answer because everyone deserves details and thorough understanding. It wasn’t given to me – but now that I’m on the other side, I’ve created it for those seeking their way too.

    Bottom line, recovery is possible for everyone.

    Josette’s course can be found on her website