Maximum sustainable *possible – this designer proof

Fashion is all about self-expression. It’s about clothes and accessories that make you feel confident, comfortable and empowered. And that’s exactly what Maximum Sustainability means to Sarah Campossarcon, designer, designer and content creator.

With the advent of sustainable fashion, many people have turned to simple wardrobes – also known as wardrobes and repeat clothes. And while minimalism provides a huge environmental benefit (goodbye to landfill waste and fast-fashion brands), it’s not the only way to support sustainable fashion practices.

According to Camposarcone, being sustainable doesn’t have to mean wearing simple clothing. Sustainable Max is multi-faceted, and your personal style can match ethical and sustainable fashion no matter how you choose to design yourself.

“I like to call myself the sustainable maxima because while I enjoy layers, bold prints, and lots of color and exaggerated silhouettes, I also care deeply about the environment and the impact my wardrobe can have on the floor,” she says. “I mainly shop for second hand and antique, and if not, I buy them from ethical designers that I admire.”

With over 392,000 followers on TikTok and nearly 50,000 followers on Instagram, Camposarcone has made a name for herself as a designer and sustainable extremist — all while rejecting harmful practices of the fashion industry, embracing her love of bold fashion, and keeping the planet in mind.

The impact of the fashion industry on the planet

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Let’s first detail the negative impact of the fashion industry on the environment. The industry has incredibly wasteful practices. Approximately 85% of textiles end up in landfills each year. Indeed, the industry is remarkably linked to its high carbon and water footprint.

“The fashion industry accounts for nearly 10% of global carbon emissions, which is more than just the aviation industry itself,” Camposarconi says. “The problem with the fast-fashion and fashion industry, in general, is that we, as consumers, are told we need a million new items each season — or a small season for that matter — just to stay on trend.”

The transport culture and the fast and changing trends are partly responsible for the waste of the fashion industry. Research shows that the average consumer now buys about 60% more clothing than they did 20 years ago. However, each garment is kept half its length. On average, about 40% of the clothes in our closets are never worn.

One problem, Camposarcone says, is the rate at which we’re consuming fast fashion — which is already unsustainably manufactured.

“The resources we need to produce this amount of clothing, at the rate we’re consuming it, and then simply to disassemble or dispose of the garment, are absolutely unsustainable,” she adds. “Investing in higher priced items, ethically made and sustainably made, will last you and the Earth longer.”

Fast fashion is specifically known for its use of non-renewable energy, unethical work practices, synthetic fibers, and more. Consider how quickly our culture moves through trends, as you look at the massive ecological footprint.

Breaking with fast fashion and unsustainable practices isn’t easy – but it’s not impossible. It’s also not impossible to organize a planetary-friendly wardrobe that represents your unique style. Here’s how Camposarcone is embracing sustainable maxima and investing in its style.

How to be a sustainable radical, according to an expert

sustainable maximum
Photo: Instagram / @saracamposarcone

Camposarcone is one of the trendsetters in the world of sustainable and extreme fashion. It’s bold and daring, and sets an example for other fashionistas who aren’t sure how to embrace individuality And planet at a time.

It tells us exactly how to be the most sustainable promoter and how to advance more eco-friendly fashion practices. First, she loves to shop for second-hand goods.

“I am hungry for second hand online shopping! eBay, Depop, Poshmark, Vestaire, The RealReal etc. are my go-to for all things vintage and designer stuff,” says Camposarcone. “I don’t work in stores as often — but I like to find a market Good Facebook Marketplace for eclectic home décor and antique furniture too!”

Camposarcone also says she’s not afraid of repeating clothes and bending social norms. And getting dressed is like a ‘new adventure’.

“I re-wear pieces in my wardrobe all the time, and I definitely re-wear full clothes!” she says. “My wardrobe is quite spacious, so I have a lot to choose from every day, and I like to try new fashion combinations all the time. I never follow the “rules” of fashion – I only wear what makes me happy that day!”

When she’s ready to get rid of old pieces and make room for new ones, Camposarcone loves to give back to those around her. It certainly does not allow clothes to be sent to landfills.

“When I find that I’m willing to part with my wardrobe pieces, I’d first like to see if any of my friends would like to have them for themselves, but if not, I’d like to bring them to the local women’s shelter,” she says. “Thrift stores in my area can be very expensive, so I like to give back as often as I can.”

Finally, Camposarcone leaves us with a few words of sustainable fashion wisdom. For her, sustainable fashion is about quality over quantity – and that means choosing ethically made pieces that last (even after they’re finished).

“The better made your clothes, and the more valuable your personal style, the better you’ll feel!” tell us.

Sustainability max is not one size fits all. And when it comes down to it, you have to choose how you want to embrace your sustainable style and fashion. Would you be a sustainable extremist, too?

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