The Secret of a High Production Real Estate Team – RISMedia

    Many successful agents start a real estate team with enthusiasm and drive, but then encounter confusion and uncertainty when starting the business. How do you go from being a high producer to a strong leader? How can you feel confident that your agents will treat people as you do, build a strong referral network and close sales? Valuable real estate training is the answer.

    Providing real estate training will give your team a strong base to work from, and arm them with the knowledge and skills to succeed. Here are five ways coaching can take your team from chaos to prosperity:

    1. Chassis saving

    Training creates a solid foundation and establishes systems for success. Through training, your agents will receive action items and step-by-step instructions, giving them the structure they need to generate more leads and close more deals.

    1. Improve communication skills

    Real estate agents need excellent communication skills to communicate with clients. Proper training will teach your agents to communicate clearly and consistently, whether in person, in writing, or online.

    1. Productivity Boost

    Real estate training can teach you time management strategies, so your agents can get more done every day. They will learn how to organize their day so that everything they do keeps them on track to close more sales.

    1. Increase lead generation

    Training can greatly enhance your team’s lead generation efforts. They will discover powerful techniques for creating a pipeline of high-quality leads. They will also learn how to organize, qualify and nurture potential clients, so they don’t have a deal in the works.

    1. create harmony

    Teams can sometimes feel disconnected. Your business will likely consist of agents with varying levels of experience and ways of running the business. Training can get everyone on the same page by creating a solid, shared foundation. Basically everyone will work under the same system, which creates a sense of common purpose.

    How to offer real estate training to your team

    With so many advantages, deciding to make training a part of your real estate team’s culture is an easy choice to make. However, it is not so easy knowing how you will find the time to train your team to work at the highest level. Fortunately, you don’t have to overburden yourself with developing your training program. Buffini & Company offers many real estate training solutions for all professional levels. All courses are designed with the busy real estate leader in mind, and come complete with the materials needed to prepare and lead a successful class.

    When you join a Team Coaching membership, you become Buffini Certified to Lead 100 Days to Greatness for your team. This software is ideal for setting up new agents. They will learn the basics of business by referral and get weekly business steps to help them generate quality leads, gain the skills to close more deals and much more.

    Not sure if team leadership is right for you? Watch “The difference: the future of real estateAnd find out why it’s the biggest (and most rewarding) opportunity in real estate today.