The ‘true crime’ craze presents a dangerous kind of celebrity

    The rise of the media regarding true crimes has led to an unhealthy obsession with criminals. There has been a massive growth in recent years for true crime content across all media platforms, but people find it difficult to separate the content from the person.

    An example of a true crime frenzy from recent memory is Tae Kee, the rapper who initially became famous after his 2017 song “RaceIt exploded and became a hit song, which he released while fleeing the police.

    The issue is why he ran away from the police. It was charged with murder 21-year-old Ethan Walker.

    Police arrested Tay-K and his story started spreading on social media with the popularity of “#Free Tay-K”. Even prominent people in the music industry like Lil Yachty voiced their support for him.

    Realistically, most of the attention that was placed on “The RaceIt was because of the murder case surrounding him. People wanted Tay-K released from prison because he did one good song, and for fans that was more important than justice for someone whose life had died.

    Ethan Walker had a daughter who would never reach her father again.

    Walker’s father gave statment After Tay-K received a guilty verdict, “There are 3 people I hate, the schemer, the person who pulled the trigger and the person who took advantage of this as a professional teenager. Every ‘Free Tay-K’ shirt sold has my son’s blood on it.”

    This is the danger of real criminals’ rise to fame through true crime stories. Victims already have grieving families and friends, and this process becomes more difficult when the case holds the public’s attention, especially when there are people on the side of the killer.

    People are naturally drawn to violent and dark forms of content, and sometimes they’re a fan of violent movies or TV shows, and that’s a good thing. The problem is that people need to learn to separate fiction from reality.

    Some claim that movies like “The JokerPeople can have violent tendencies, or watching shows that contain a huge amount of violence can have a bad effect on someone.

    But these examples are relatively harmless because they are works of fiction that have no real-world repercussions. You cannot romanticize these actions in the real world. When there is a murder, a child dies. By caring and sometimes fans of people who have caused harm to victims and trauma to their families, things can become much more difficult for grieving parties.

    Podcast “My Favorite Murder” It markets itself as a “true crime comedy podcast” and deals with horrific issues in an almost nonchalant way. Presenting murders and other terrible crimes in this way can desensitize listeners.

    When listeners become insensitive, they view the affected people as characters in the story, not victims. People who become fans of people who appear in true crime stories tend to forget the real consequences of their actions.

    This can lead to people becoming less sympathetic to the families of the victims or viewing murder victims as “just another country” rather than a former living and breathing human being.

    It’s nice to be a fan of these shows, but you have to remember real life was affected by the tragedies that consume them.