The Ultimate Guide to Kettlebell Training for Beginners

    Over the past decade, kettlebell training has become increasingly popular, making its way into boot camps and CrossFit classes all over the world. However, in a way, the whole body conditioning tool is often overlooked and made less use of in regular fitness routines.

    As an effective alternative to strength training for dumbbells and barbells, the kettlebell is a great way to shape and strengthen your body from head to toe. Through its design, the weight of the dome-shaped barbell can be used to enhance strength and develop power, build core strength and stability, and increase endurance. All while beating boredom and blasting plateaus.

    What is the reason behind the effectiveness of kettlebells? “Kettlebell training combines explosive power and muscular endurance to provide an effective, athletic training,” says Sarah Goron, New York City-certified strength coach and ONNIT-certified kettlebell flow expert and founder of Kettlebell Strong, based in Solace NYC.

    Gawron, aka “Coach Sarah,” also certified with CrossFit L2, USA Weightlifting L2, and Kettlebell Athletic, is here to shatter the myths surrounding kettlebell training while providing all the reasons why you should add kettlebells to your regularly scheduled training routine.

    Coach Sarah debunks common Kettlebell myths

    If you’re one of the many gymnasts who are still hesitant to commit to kettlebell training for fear of injury or just being uncomfortable with training tool technique and its benefits, Gawron says don’t let these common kettlebell misconceptions go. Knowing kettlebell truth from fiction is the first step toward achieving additional gains for your training.

    1. Not everyone can gain strength with kettlebells

    • fact: “Strength and size can be built in many different ways, and it depends on many factors such as genes, diet, training program, and body type,” Gawron says. Case in point – yes, bells can build strength, but the end result is down to how you train, how/what you eat, your genetics, your lifestyle (and more) creating an environment for growth (or lack thereof).

    2. Kettlebells can cause back problems.

    • fact: “Using kettlebells requires technique and development skills; therefore, many people don’t use them because they think they will be hurt and end up bruised,” Gawron explains. If you’re new to kettlebells, she encourages working with a trainer and taking an online course or class that goes through the basics. This will ensure proper technique and safety.

    3. There is only one way to raise and use water bells.

    • fact: Short answer: Wrong! “There are many ways, methods, and schools for kettlebell training,” says Gawron. “Everyone will emphasize and encourage that the movements should be done efficiently and pain-free.” She explained.

    “Some people get confused when seeing a solid style, a Kettlebell Sport, or a combination of the two, and want to know the ‘correct’ style,” she says. But since movement can take so many different forms, there is no “wrong” way to move.

    The difference between training Kettlebells and Dumbbells

    Although both water bells and weights work well for the body, there is a surprising difference between the two.

    Interestingly, the bell’s design allows for a greater and fuller range of motion when training. “For example, squeezing, (when using a kettlebell), you can use the full range of the shoulder joint,” says Gawron. “When using dumbbells or a barbell, due to their design, the movement is shortened.”

    Unlike barbells or dumbbells, kettlebell exercises allow the body to train different planes, since the movements made with dumbbells and a barbell are usually done only in the sagittal plane), recruiting the balancing muscles more, thereby strengthening the joints, and requiring the body to be born evenly. Strength to perform movements efficiently.

    “The design of the kettlebell makes it unique and different compared to traditional tools like dumbbells,” says Gawron. “The bell’s center of gravity detaches from its handle—it’s located several inches away, which requires your stabilizing muscles to engage more to balance the weight during movement,” she says, giving you more bang for your buck when pumping the barbell.

    Fitness trainer Sarah doing a kettlebell workout in New York City
    Courtesy of Coach Sarah

    Benefits of Kettlebell Training

    Get ready to add water bells to your sweat sessions as they have proven to be an excellent tool for all-body conditioning. “Kettlebell training is a good balance for improving mobility, building stability through joints, increasing muscle, and developing strength,” says Gawron.

    The traditional and traditional bell-training movements such as swinging, brushing, and snatching are all strength and power movements. “It is important to have such vigorous movements in your training to help develop stronger and more flexible connective tissue; specifically, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and joint capsules,” she explains.

    Kettlebell training also develops grip strength and helps improve coordination and movement. And of course, the coffee bells are heart-crushing, too.

    “You can use kettlebells in a variety of ways: circuits, flows, and strengthening exercises to build strength and improve cardiovascular,” says Gawron. And you can train anywhere; The beach, the park, in the comfort of your own home, or your local gym!

    Best Kettlebell Brands to Get You Started

    You don’t need to invest a lot to get started with Kettlebell training. In fact, anyone can get a lot done with light, medium and heavy weights. Here are our top three favorite Coach Sarah brands for you to choose from:

    Keep in mind: each company’s kettlebell is slightly different. One brand may have a longer or thicker handle and the bell will hold differently in the stand position. Consulting a kettlebell trainer or specialist will help you take the guesswork out of what kettlebell is right for you.

    go with the wind

    Oftentimes, people may be intimidated by kettlebell terms, one such term being flow. Flow, according to Gauron, is like a dance, the combination of one movement, for example, swinging a kettlebell, leading to another, such as cleanliness, and the continuation of what appears to be a designed routine. It’s almost like a zen-like state with a kettlebell, and before you know it, you’re cranking the bell for five minutes without letting it go. Keeping up with those around us but if we can really get in and move with a goal. So I find that streaming really helps with that. Because you are now focused on movement, you are in tune with your breath. This way, you can move with the bell for five plus minutes at a time without letting it go.

    “I find that with a lot of students or people interested in wanting to get started with the tool is that they see all these crazy streams, or they look really cool on social media. But as simple as the swing can be, it can even be simplified, It’s going to be like a clean push-up, a squat push-up. That’s it. And you can just do a clean squat on top. And once I explain or tell people that’s a flow, they’re like, ‘Oh, I can do it.'”

    Inspired by the kettlebell train? let’s start!

    A fitness instructor performs kettlebell swing as part of a beginner kettlebell training program
    Courtesy of Coach Sarah

    Kettlebell Training Workout for Beginners by Coach Sarah

    Block A (3 rounds, shaped like a circle). Use this as a warm-up for the two blocks that follow.

    1. Squat to Halo: 10 reps
      what’s he doing: This is used to warm up and help move the shoulders as well as relax the lower body.
      How do I do it: Begin by holding the light bell upside down (bell facing up) while holding the bell horns. With feet about shoulder width apart, squat, drive up, and rotate the bell around your head from left to right, then bring it back to your chest. This is one representative. Repeat for five reps before switching rotations (from right to left).
    2. bag + carry: 30 seconds per side:
      what’s he doing: This is used to warm and stabilize your core as well as to help activate the shoulders.
      How do I do it: Hold the bell lightly with one hand in the front rack position (hold the bell to your chest while keeping your wrist strong and your elbow taut). Carry a heavier bell with your other hand at your side (such as a suitcase). Walk in a straight line or in place, focusing on keeping your core tight and hips straight. After 30 seconds, switch sides.
    3. chest swings: 15 reps
      what’s he doing: This hip joint movement is used to warm up and help activate the hamstrings and glutes. (You shouldn’t feel this in your lower back.) It’s also a great starting point for learning how to master the kettlebell swing.
      How do I do it: Start by holding the bell with both hands on the sternum with the feet about shoulder width apart and directly under the hips. (Keeping the weight close to your center of mass will eliminate the possibilities of feeling it in your lower back.) Articulate your hips, then push your feet to the floor, engaging your buttock muscles and standing up. This is one representative.

    Block B (Strength): 3-4 sets/rest as needed between sets. Try to get the flow to move from one step to the next.

    1. Cleaning the squat using the hands: 5 reps (each side)
      what’s he doing: This is a great move for developing lower body strength and explosiveness.
      How do I do it: Keep your feet close to shoulder width as you place a light to medium bell on the floor between your ankles. Send your hips back and push the bell with both hands. Then, using your legs and buttocks, pull the bell toward your chest. Stand straight with the bell on your chest, lower into a squat position and place the bell on the floor. This is one representative. Reset and repeat.
    2. Standing seesaw press: 6 reps (each side)
      what’s he doing: Develops shoulder strength and strength
      How do I do it: Hold a pair of light water bells from a rack position (focus on keeping your elbows close to the sides and thumbs at your collarbones). Press one bell toward the ceiling to close. Then lower that dumbbell while simultaneously pressing the opposite bell. Continue this “nautical saw” pattern for the rest of the group.
    3. Deadstop swing: 12 reps
      what’s he doing: This is a great movement for the hip joint and is a great building block for progressing into bell swings.
      How do I do it: Take a similar approach as you did earlier with the chest swing – feet under you, bell between the ankles, only this time the bell is placed on the floor. Send your hips back, push the bell down and tilt the bell towards you – this is the starting position. From here, “raise” the bell like a soccer ball, keeping it close to your hips, push your feet to the floor, engage your butt muscles, and let the bell swing forward. Let it swing backwards, then lower to the floor and reset. This is one representative.

    Block C (Core Cashout): – 3 groups of 30 seconds on / 15 seconds off

    1. Pull the high plank
      what’s he doing:
      Focuses on core strength and resistance to rotation.
      How do I do it: Set it up in a sturdy high plank position, with the kettlebell resting along one side of the torso. With your opposite arm, extend your hand across your chest and pull the bell and pull it to your other side. Then with your opposite arm, extend your hand again and hold the bell to the other side. Keep rotating for 30 seconds. (Note: If you are losing your plank position, lower your knees and continue to perform pull-ups.)
    2. ½ kneeling grinder
      what’s he doing: Focuses on rotation as well as hip and shoulder stability.
      How do I do itA half-kneeling position with one foot forward and the other leg down. Hold the bell on the side of your front foot, hold it above your head, and keep it closed for 30 seconds. Rotate your torso toward the side of the bell, looking at the bell, while lowering your opposite hand to the floor (put your hand on the yoga block if you have movement problems). Return to the original half-kneeling position and repeat.