Trainer says the best fitness supplement to add to your routine – don’t eat that

    Anytime is a good time to learn about the latest and best ways to improve and add to your workout routine. That’s why we reached out to Mike Matthews, certified personal trainer, founder of Legion and author of the new book, Muscles for life To determine the absolute best health tips and the most effective fitness supplements he recommends. Read on to learn more, and next, check out the 6 best exercises for strong, toned arms in 2022, says the trainer.

    Woman taking steps to do cardio
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    We were in for a great education talking to Matthews. He tells us, “Building lean muscle and burning stubborn fat isn’t as complicated as most people think. You don’t need to give up any of the foods you love, do a set of exercises you hate, or fill your tanks with bags and bottles of pills, powders, and exotic potions.” Muscles for lifeYou’ll find a simple plan for drawing by numbers to transform your body faster than you ever thought possible based on time-proven principles produced through decades of practical experience and thousands of hours of scientific research that can be pursued by anyone of any age and fitness level.”

    Maybe you’re just starting to look for a healthy lifestyle change, or maybe you’re an athlete whose goal is to boost your performance. Maybe you are in between the two. Whatever stage you’ve reached in your fitness journey, Muscles for life It is a great resource that you can have on your deck. Matthews says it will help you perform, feel and look your best.

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    Making protein powder smoothie and fitness supplement
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    In his book, the bestselling author says, “No matter how old you are, no matter how badly you think about your hormones or your genes, and no matter how lost you may feel from trying to give up and give up on previous diets and exercise regimes… you Sure, you can positively have the slim, defined and healthy body of your dreams.” We asked Matthews how exactly you can achieve this. Matthews explains, “Most of your results will come from following a good diet and exercise plan, and no pills, powders, or doses will change that.” “You don’t need supplements to build muscle, lose fat, and get healthy, but the right supplements can help you,” he adds.

    If you’re trying to lose a few pounds, you’ll probably love the sound of this. So we asked for more details, and Matthews went on to explain, “If you have the budget, there are supplements to consider, because a few can enhance many beneficial aspects of body composition and physiology, including muscle growth, fat loss, and strength.” infections, heart health, mood, brain and gut health, insulin sensitivity, energy levels, immunity, and more.”

    Interesting stuff, isn’t it? He explains and tells us that training and eating right are key. Although the right supplementation can boost the work you do in the gym and kitchen, it doesn’t count as much if you’re not just doing the right exercises and consuming the right foods.

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    Vitamin D in sunlight, fitness supplement
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    To start things off, this is what a certified personal trainer/bestselling author recommends:

    • protein powder
    • multi vitamins
    • Vitamin D
    • fish oil
    • creatine

    In his book, Matthews explains, “Protein powder is most important because it makes it easy to eat enough protein, which helps you lose fat, build muscle faster, burn more calories, and reduce hunger. Optimal protein intake varies depending on your goals, but a good rule of thumb for most People are consuming 0.8 to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight per day.”

    Matthews advises that a multivitamin is the next and most important supplement to consider, explaining that “high-quality multivitamins help fill in nutritional ‘holes’ in your diet, and boost your intake of certain vitamins and minerals that improve health and wellness at higher doses, such as B vitamins, zinc and chromium, It provides beneficial ingredients that are difficult or impossible to obtain from food.”

    In addition to multivitamins, fish oil and vitamin D are also important. Matthew tells us, “Maintaining adequate vitamin D and omega-3s is difficult with food alone and benefits your health and performance in many ways. For vitamin D, I recommend starting with 2,000 IU daily, and increasing your intake if you have any symptoms of low vitamin levels. (D).” As far as omega-3s go, he adds, “Research shows that a combined intake of 500 milligrams and 1.8 grams of EPA and DHA per day is appropriate for general health, and for physically active people, 2 to 3 grams of combined EPA and DHA each may They have small additional benefits.”

    Last but not least, creatine. Creatine is “an amino acid-like molecule, because it’s the best supplement you can take to boost strength, muscle growth, and post-workout recovery,” says Matthews, instructing that creatine monohydrate can be taken whenever you want a good effect. He recommends eating 5 grams of it daily.

    Man doing basic exercises with dumbbells to accelerate belly fat loss
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    For more mind-body news, check out Shrink Belly Fat Faster in your 40s with these free weight exercises, says trainer.