Varicose veins: causes, symptoms and fitness tips to deal with them in the summer | health

    Swollen and bluish veins are usually visible, swollen and twisted veins that most commonly affect the veins in the legs because standing and walking increases pressure in the veins of the lower body. With the summer sun approaching us, health experts insist that if you have varicose veins, you must be very careful and not take it lightly or else it can aggravate your pain and you may suffer when the temperature rises.

    the reasons:

    Also known as varicose veins or varicose veins, varicose veins occur when our veins swell, expand and fill with blood. This occurs when blood flow is obstructed and blood cannot flow effectively, resulting in veins that become very large, swollen and inflamed but are usually harmless, although they can be painful and disfiguring.


    In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr. Rajan Modi, Laparoscopic and Laser Surgeon at Physicians House revealed, “One can experience varicose veins when the veins are swollen and enlarged. The symptoms of varicose veins are discoloration of the skin around those veins, itching in the area around the veins, pain after sitting down. Or standing for longer, heaviness in the legs and even swelling in the lower legs. You will be shocked to learn that the problem of varicose veins can worsen during the summer.”

    Tips for dealing with varicose veins during the summer:

    Explaining the relationship between summer and varicose veins, Dr. Rajan Modi said, “The intense summer heat increases your symptoms such as leg pain and swelling. Thus, you will end up experiencing heavy legs if you spend time in hot weather. Hot weather causes veins to swell and lead to swelling. To a lot of inconvenience. High temperatures will cause veins to dilate mainly on the surface of the skin, as one loses heat and maintains a constant body temperature.”

    Dr. Rajan Modi noted that this is a normal response to heat, just like sweating and does not necessarily mean veins are abnormal. He has listed some vital strategies to help you deal with varicose veins during the summer:

    1. Leg height: Lying on your bed and resting your legs on some pillows can do the trick. This will ensure proper blood flow to the legs.

    2. Do stretching and aerobic exercises: No movement at all can aggravate the pain. Therefore, it is necessary to do physical activity after consulting a doctor.

    3. Massage Your Legs: Try to avoid sitting on crossed legs. Furthermore, massage your legs to enhance blood flow to the veins. But you should not put pressure on the veins.

    4. Wearing compression stockings: Only after consulting a doctor to avoid painful cramps.

    5. Hydration is key. Drink plenty of water to maintain proper blood circulation in the leg. Dehydration can cause tissue swelling in the legs and muscle cramps. Avoid alcohol, which can cause dehydration.

    6. Adequate rest: Varicose veins lead to leg pain and swelling. So, it is essential that you get enough rest. Also, get a good night’s sleep.

    7. Avoid sitting for longer hours: If you sit for long periods, blood may pool in your legs and cause pain.

    8. Wear loose-fitting clothes during summer. Tight clothing puts unwanted extra pressure on your veins. So, wear loose-fitting clothes that allow air to circulate.

    9. Choose the right shoe: High-heeled shoes tend to prevent the calves from moving properly, reduce blood flow to the legs, and worsen swelling and vein problems. Therefore, wear only appropriate shoes.