What muscles work in running exactly? Fitness professionals explain

    There are endless ways to inspire yourself to run. Listening to a fun playlist, wearing comfortable sneakers, and finding a scenic trail can all motivate you and make it easy for you to keep going. But it can also be helpful to consider all the muscles used in running – along with the many benefits of a fitness method – putting one foot in front of the other, because it’s so much more than just a leg exercise.

    First, a reminder of the physical perks you get from running. As you glide across a track, trail, or treadmill, you’re not only strengthening multiple muscle groups but also improving your cardiovascular endurance and heart health. While you can reap these benefits from jogging, you can really increase your miles by turning your running into a HIIT-style routine. “This can feel like an alternation between high sprints and moments of recovery, such as walking or jogging,” says Steve Stonehouse, NASM, CPT, USATF, Certified Running Coach and Director of Education for STRIDE.

    Another fun fact? The effect of running can also make your bones stronger. As Stonehouse explains, “Running is a weight-bearing exercise, and weight-bearing exercise, much like high-intensity exercise, boosts bone mineral density and stimulates bone growth.”

    You also get mental health benefits while running. For starters, running has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety to improve your mood, says Stonehouse. Not only is sprinting a great time to clear your mind, but you’ll also get a rush of feel-good endorphins once you’re done, aka the famous runner’s high.

    After all these benefits, stronger muscles are just an addition to the pie. Read on for more information about the muscles used when running.

    What muscles work in running?

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    Here are all the muscles that light up and strengthen as you run, along with expert tips on how to get the most out of your next run.


    The glutes play a vital role in any running, whether you’re jogging down the street or running a track. According to Stonehouse, glutes help propel you forward so you can move faster. It’s also used to maintain a stable torso and good posture, he says, which are key components of good running form.

    To really strengthen your glutes, certified personal trainer Secoy Reeves recommends brisk jogging for short periods over the course of 10 to 15 minutes of your run. Sprints will release your glutes as you accelerate forward. You can also run incline on the treadmill to target the back of your body.


    According to certified running coach Claire Barthollick, the three muscles in the back of the thigh that make up the hamstrings are what move the leg when the knee is bent, and also what support the leg when the hip is extended. To ensure your hamster — and all your muscles — get a good workout, she recommends running three to four days a week.

    No, you don’t have to go far: “Short, fast sprints are better for muscle growth than longer, slower sprints,” says Bartholec. Combine this with other weight training two to three days a week and you should start to feel a huge difference in your overall strength.


    Next up, says Reeves, are the quadriceps, which are activated as you move forward, especially if you’re running uphill. It also plays an essential role in speed. “The stronger your quads are, the faster you can run,” he says.


    Your calves will also feel the burn. According to Reeves, the calf muscles help lift your heel when your leg is straight and bent. It also stimulates a propulsive motion as your foot leaves the ground And the Affect your speed control while running. This is all the more reason to train your calves on leg day in the gym.


    Did you know that running engages your heart? Stonehouse says it tightens as you run to help keep you stable and reduce shock to your back. Bartholic adds that your abdominals and obliques also work together to help you maintain good posture. “After all, running is just a series of jumps from one foot to the other, and a strong core keeps you stable,” she says.

    upper body

    Running makes your upper body muscles stronger, too, thanks to the way your arms help propel you forward (think of the pumping motion of your arms as you go). It’s best to always keep your arms moving while running, says Reeves, not only to get a more efficient stride, but to get the most out of your workout.

    Referred studies:

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    Drum, S.; (2019). Torso and upper body stress adversely affect running economy: a randomized controlled three-arm pilot trial. Sports. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6722636/

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    Hong, K.C.; (2019). Effects of 8-week core training on core endurance and running economy. One Plus. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6407754/

    Lee, DC, Pate, R. R., Lavie, C. J., Sui, X., Church, T.S., & Blair, S. N. (2014). Leisure running reduces all-cause and cardiovascular mortality risks. Journal of the American College of CardiologyAnd the 64(5), 472-481. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jacc.2014.04.058.

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    Van Den Teeler, R.; (2017). Comparison of muscle activation during high speed running and different muscle strengthening exercises. International Journal of Sports Physiotherapy. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5685404/


    Steve Stonehouse, NASM, CPT, USATF, Certified Operating Coach and Director of Education at STRIDE

    Claire Bartholeck, Certified Running Coach

    Siqui Reeves, Certified Personal Trainer