The 7 best cardio exercises on YouTube

    I blame the pandemic, injuries, and living in a tiny apartment on the fact that I haven’t been doing regular cardio for the past few years. Lately, though, my excuses have been running out. I cured my aches and pains, and I’ve been doing more strength training, yoga, and barre – but I can’t get along with cardio.

    A few weeks ago, I noticed that my cardio load had stalled at one run and two or three walks per week—well below the minimum 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity or the 75 minutes of vigorous exercise the American Heart recommends per week. organisation. I miss the physical and mental health benefits of a strong cardio routine: increased energy; reduce stress; and general cardiovascular health, including low blood pressure. However, above all else, I miss the rush of endorphins and the burning feeling in the lungs to give me my all during an intense aerobic session.

    What are the ends of cardio exercises?

    I decided to start my Back to Cardio plan with Ends of Cardio, which are short (5 to 10 minutes) intense aerobic exercises designed to be done after a non-cardio routine. (However, you can also use exercise finishers after any type of exercise to expend any extra energy you still have in the tank.)

    End cardio can help you burn more calories (if your goal is weight loss), but it’s also a great way to get some aerobic exercise without committing to a full-length workout. “It can motivate you to continue to the end [of the workout,] Because instead of thinking about 40 to 50 minutes of cardio, you only have 5 to 10,” Shayna McGregor, an ACE-certified group fitness trainer at The Ness in New York City, tells POPSUGAR. Doing cardio after a strength workout allows You also devote the most energy to properly performing strength exercises, helping you build muscle and avoid injury.Plus, “Cardio by itself is great for improving blood flow and cardiovascular health,” says McGregor — and any way you can add it to your day. It’s good news for your overall health.

    The key with cardio finishers, says McGregor, is listening to your body. “I wouldn’t recommend it if you don’t have more energy after an intense workout,” she says. Check in with yourself and see if you’re really able to add another five to 10 minutes or if you’d be better off quitting now.

    I tried a week of finishing cardio

    For one week, I did a cardio once a day after strength training of 20-30 minutes. My goal was to find out how these rapid bursts felt in my body and if they could reignite my love for cardio. In this sense, the experiment was a success. I needed to get used to feeling heavy cardio again (my lungs were burning after the first few workouts), but I loved the rush of endorphins each morning, which gave me more energy throughout the day. The cardio primer I tried from YouTube never pushed me beyond my limits, although I had to stop and rest or edit from time to time.

    I recommend trying cardio if, like me, you need some help getting into the mood for cardio – but make sure you pick a terminator that’s right for you. “Push your body when it can handle the extra blast and rest when you need a break,” McGregor advises. Be sure to watch for any injuries as well, and consider consulting a trainer or fitness professional if you’re not sure about your workout. Finally, MacGregor says, “Do something you enjoy! Cardio doesn’t have to be boring.”

    Check out my favorite end to cardio on YouTube. (Note that these exercises don’t usually include a warm-up. If you’re doing a final workout as a standalone exercise, be sure to start with a quick warm-up first. Either way, don’t forget to cool down afterwards!)