Tips to spice up your fitness routine

    Variety is a vital component of a comprehensive fitness routine. Not only does it prevent boredom, performing different forms of exercise challenges your body and mind to adapt to different movements, intensity, and cognitive stimuli.

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    For example, if you walk or run on the treadmill daily during your lunch break, you are presenting an ongoing cardio-respiratory challenge. But, if you take that walk to a hiking trail on the weekends, the varied terrain and ever-changing intensity will keep your mind and body on its toes and challenge them in new ways.

    In addition, repetitively working the same muscle groups in the same ways will not only eventually become boring, but also be less effective because the body will adapt to this specific form of “stress” and will not improve its function anymore. The training incentive must be changed systematically and periodically for continuous improvements.

    Plus, variety can bring excitement, challenge, and fun to your workout routine.

    Make sure your exercises are varied

    Diversity can take many forms when you talk about physical activity. If you enjoy skiing or swimming, for example, you may want to incorporate these activities into your routine. However, if you’re jumping on the elliptical machine at the gym every morning and don’t want to mess with what’s a fixed routine, variety might mean adding high intensity intervals one day a week or using the elliptical machine as part of a circuit-a training program that targets muscular endurance as well to cardiorespiratory fitness.

    10 ways to mix up your workout routine

    Consider the following 10 strategies to spice up your routine. These tips can help keep your workout fun and make steady progress toward your health, fitness, and wellness goals.

    Practice with a friend.
    Having an exercise partner not only makes things more fun, but also adds an element of accountability that can actually make you exercise more regularly. Knowing that someone else is counting on you can be the motivation you need to hit the gym on those days when you may be lacking in motivation.

    Focus on “physical activity” rather than “exercise.”
    Reframing exercise as a physical activity reminds us that movement doesn’t have to be structured or gym-based to be effective. If you enjoy dancing or gardening, for example, incorporate it into your routine to add variety and fun.

    Try a new class.
    If you have a set routine, mix things up by trying a new group fitness class. For example, if you regularly attend dance classes, a yoga or Pilates session may provide an element of fitness you didn’t even realize you were missing.

    Also, if you’re working out on your own, joining a class can be a welcome change of pace that makes things a lot more fun.

    “Games” your workouts.
    There are all kinds of ways to “play” your workouts, from literally playing active video games with your family to adding an element of chance to your workouts by rolling dice or flipping cards to determine the exercise or how many repetitions you’ll be performing.

    Adding competition to a partner’s workout can add the fun factor while increasing the intensity. For example, challenge yourself to hold a plank while your partner performs a bodyweight squat and then switch roles. Reps the mores they do, the longer the rehearsal.

    Try practicing videos or apps.
    Workout videos and apps are a great way to add variety to your home workout routine. There are countless videos on the internet, so take the 30 Day Yoga Challenge or try a new type of exercise every week. You can also use apps to track your performance and progress, which can be a great source of motivation when you’re having a hard time staying on track.

    Sign up for an event.
    Setting a date when you want to achieve something or participate in an event gives you a deadline and a set of goals. For example, if you sign up for a half marathon six months from now, it will act as motivation to stick to a rigorous exercise routine with core goals along the way. The combination of short and long term goals can be very motivating.

    Change the focus of the exercise.
    Maybe 30 minutes on the exercise bike every morning to build cardiorespiratory endurance. Change things up by adding periods to focus on intensity rather than duration.

    Or, if you do strength exercises regularly, change the frequency of the movements, shorten rest periods between exercises or do fewer sets but with more repetitions. Challenging the body in new ways can lead to new results, even in the familiar context of exercise.

    Head outside.
    Exercising outside is a great way to add variety to your workout. Outdoor exercise—also known as green exercise—provides stress relief and other health benefits beyond what we see when performing the same exercise indoors.

    Take lessons.
    Don’t be afraid to be a beginner. Learning new forms of physical activity – from dancing to rowing – can be a great way to stimulate both the mind and the body. And you may just discover a new passion that becomes a mainstay in your active lifestyle.

    Join the entertainment league.
    Playing games is the perfect way to get moving while having fun and meeting new people. Many communities have adult recreational leagues that play everything from corn hole and pickle ball to kickball and beach volleyball.

    Exercising, no matter the level of competition, is a great reminder that fitness and wellness isn’t always about counting repetitions, steps, or calories.