Amsterdam to ban travelers from its famous cafes

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Amsterdam is preparing to amaze travelers who plan to visit the Dutch capital by preparing to prevent travelers from visiting its famous cafes. While Amsterdam has a lot to offer travelers, with its scenic canals, galleries and many other cultural experiences, there are still many travelers who flock to the city in droves to enjoy the relaxed drug laws in its quirky cafés – but if local politicians are on their way, they can That means the end of such activities for tourists.

While Amsterdam won’t be the first popular destination to introduce policies to tackle drug abuse and the antisocial behavior that accompanies it, such a move could have negative consequences for its tourism levels – and some businesses in the US may already oppose it. city. Here is a look at the proposed change, why it is being considered as well as a reminder of the entry requirements for the Netherlands at the moment.

Cafe Ban – What Travelers Should Know

While it may not be everyone’s cup of tea, research has shown that up to 30% of all tourists who visit Amsterdam end up visiting a café for the purpose of buying and consuming cannabis, taking advantage of the old drug laws. That helped put Amsterdam on the map for tourists of all kinds. However, all this could soon be changed with the changes that the city’s politicians are planning.

The plan was put forward again by the mayor of Amsterdam, Vicki Halsema. Under the planned rule change, cannabis can be purchased from the city’s 166 licensed coffee shops residents only, Leaving tourists unable to buy it. Adding a resident-only rule to Amsterdam will cause the city’s cannabis policy to match those of some other cities in the Netherlands.

According to Mayor Halsema, by limiting the use of cafes to local residents, many of the city’s problems will be solved. “Many of the city’s major problems are fueled by the cannabis market: from inconvenience caused by drug tourism to serious crime and violence,” Halsema said, adding: “Banning sales to tourists is a necessary intervention … and a first step towards regulation.”

However, not every politician in the city agrees to the move. City council members from three political parties are in talks to form a coalition to block the planned policy change. The groups argue that not only would such a change lead to an increase in the illicit drug trade by young people to meet the drug need, but that the city currently does not have the sufficient resources to enforce and monitor such a change.

While the news may be worrying for travelers, you don’t have to worry too much just yet. This isn’t the first time such plans have been made, as previous plans to introduce politics into Amsterdam failed to emerge again in 2012. However, the pandemic has led to a rethinking of its approach to tourism, so it shouldn’t be ruled out entirely.

Amsterdam the Netherlands.  Amsterdam is famous for its diverse and vibrant nightlife.  Amsterdam has many cafés (pubs).  They range from large and modern to small and intimate.  Under the Netherlands' drug policy, cannabis products are allowed to be sold in small quantities by licensed coffee shops.  The vast majority of these serve drinks and food as well.

In order to be able to Visit the Netherlands in this time, Fully vaccinated travelers from the US, Canada and the UK do not need to submit a negative Covid-19 testHowever, a health statement form must be completed before travelling. Unvaccinated travelers who have recovered from Covid-19 in the past 180 days can enter as well – more details can be found here.

A busy street in Amsterdam, the Netherlands

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