How to Develop a Travel Instagram Account About Scandinavia

Travel accounts are very popular on Instagram, but in the modern and crowded realm of social media, it is important to have a specific niche. Today, many travelers are interested in Scandinavia for its wide variety of attractions, landscapes, and activities, from swimming to skiing to fjords to the northern lights. With the competition and Instagram user base growing every day, expert Ronald A. Harris says you may realize that you need real, unbelievable photos and cheap Instagram likes to improve your metrics. Here are some tips on how to create an Instagram travel account about Scandinavia:

Focus on high-quality images of unique Scandinavian attractions

Although you can take high quality photos with some smartphones, you might consider investing in a top-notch digital camera for more options as well. It’s important to be able to capture the beauty of the scene in a variety of locations and lighting situations, but equipment is only part of the equation. Also consider honing your photography skills so you can learn about other framing techniques and techniques. For example, take a look at this beautiful picture of the northern lights taken by @nordic.norway. The photographer was able to capture both the Northern Lights and the idyllic village beneath, with intense focus. Finish it off with a professional editing app like VCSO or Adobe Photoshop Lightroom to get your photos looking their best.

Remember to motivate viewers to engage with a call to action (CTA)

Some people think of calls to action as “sales” but they don’t always have to promote a website, product, or service.

  • The CTA can also inspire people to comment by asking, “What do you think? Let us know in the comments.”
  • You can ask your audience to share their own photos of the location you’re currently posting about, or even run a competition for the “Best Picture Taken in Oslo,” etc. This is a particularly good way to stimulate engagement as most people like to share their content.
  • If you have a blog or website that you want to promote, you can make your own CTA about “See link in bio”.
  • “View link in bio” is used a lot, so try not to make these promotional posts more than 20 percent of your content.
  • The important thing to keep in mind is to encourage people to stop scrolling and interacting with your post, whether it’s liking or commenting.

Include some videos

About 91 percent of Instagram users watch videos on the site weekly, so it’s a good idea to take advantage of the popularity of video content. Your video stories should include content that doesn’t perform well in a still image, like this great post of reindeer play from user @scandinavian_vikingsaint. Short videos are okay – many successful reels are 30 seconds or less in length. However, you should use a combination of lengths to see what works best for you. Some topics may work for longer videos, such as showing your hike up the mountain.

Carousel posts are another essential for your account

Although video is popular, rotors return the highest engagement of any type posted on Insta and for accounts of all sizes. This is especially useful for those with smaller accounts who are hoping to grow their audience. There are several ways to make rotors:

  • You can make an interval series, showing the same place over time, like this circular prism of the aurora borealis.
  • You can also make a carousel of pictures of different things you’ve seen or done in one place.
  • Another option is to focus on a topic such as a color or activity, or photograph an object in multiple places. In addition, you can do the same selfie in different positions if you like to be in front of the camera.

Don’t forget to diversify your posts

Rotating shows are great, but you should do at least a few of each type of post — stories, livestreams, feeds, IGTV — every week to keep things interesting. This helps attract a variety of people, and some may interact with certain types of posts more than others.

Be personal with your audience.

Sharing stories and personal details helps build a bond with your viewers on IG, and they are more likely to comment or comment on your posts if they feel connected to you. It’s not necessary to share every detail of your life, but occasionally showing some emotion in a live clip or photo can help make your content more relevant.

Use the correct hashtags.

Insta allows 30 hashtags per post, and by using all of them, you can improve your photo’s visibility. This is important because IG algorithms prefer content that already has interaction, so it can be difficult for even your existing followers to see your photos at first. The more hashtags you use, the easier it will be. In general, you want to choose hashtags with high traffic – IG shows you how many times each hashtag has been used recently when you type it in to help with search. Here are some hashtags you might consider for your Scandinavian travel account as they apply to content:

Also focus on what people need for their own Scandinavian travels

Not every photo has to be a scenic view or a straightforward conversation with your fans. People who follow travel accounts often appreciate practical advice, such as what to pack for a trip to the fjords, the best time of year to visit a location, things to look for in a souvenir shop, etc. In the beginning, you can start with the items you like and use, and as your account grows, you will hopefully be contacted by brands who want the influencer to talk about their products.

Remember that growing an audience takes time

It can be frustrating, but organic growth rarely happens overnight (despite what you may have seen on TV shows where characters accidentally sprout, without even trying). In the real world, creating followers is a slow and steady process. It can help to have great content that you publish regularly (at least once a day, but it’s a good idea to start two or three times a week). However, the website’s algorithms still promote the already most popular accounts and content. In order to speed up getting the growth you need, you may want to consider getting real and cheap Instagram likes on your photos.

These tips should help you put your travel Instagram account about Scandinavia on the map. And remember, always enjoy your content, and your audience will too!