Rick and Morty ‘Time Travel Objects’ chest has a dark secret purpose

Rick and Morty’s Time Travel Stuff box appears in the background of many episodes, but it has an ingenious secret purpose that you’ll never guess.

Eagle eyes lovers Rick and Morty Know that since the show’s early days, Rick’s Lab has featured a box titled “Time Travel Stuff,” which appears in the background of many episodes. This is despite the fact that the writers originally intended not to use time travel as a plot tool. However, while this rule was eventually broken, the “Time Travel Stuff” chest has an entirely different purpose – one that has nothing to do with actual time travel, and everything to do with Rick’s unique demonic form.

It was originally created as a parody of Back to the futurein the wake of a young boy chatting with a disgraced and volatile world, Rick and Morty However, co-creator Dan Harmon didn’t want time travel to be included in the franchise, explaining to fans that it could break a show’s canon to introduce a versatile idea. That changed with Season 4 of Rattlestar Ricklactica – a candid story about the unintended consequences of time tampering. The episode confirmed that Rick is fully capable of time travel; The fact that it turns out makes him a target for other beings who want that power for themselves.

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at Rick and Morty #47“Multidimensional cable problem” – From Kyle Starks, Post, Sarah Stern and Crank! – Rick is targeted by Xepthurians, a strange type he describes as “Blood-thirsty, despicable, atrocities-thirsty beasts.” Xepthurians invade Smith’s home, torture Rick and threaten to kill his family unless he turns over his time travel technology. While Rick argues that nihilism means there’s nothing the Xepthurians can do to make him talk, he appears defeated when the fight moves into his lab, and despite Morty’s best efforts, the aliens discover the “Time Travel Stuff” chest and return it to their original world, mission accomplished.

Rick and Morty Time Travel Box

Of course, Rick always has a trick up his sleeve, and when the Xepthurians start messing with the technology in the box, they fire a mouthful SMS from Rick followed by a nuclear explosion that wipes them out. Back home, Rick explains to Morty that he’s constantly being pursued by aliens who want his technology, and that if they’re sophisticated enough to track him down, they’ll always want the secret of time travel. The “Time Travel Stuff” chest is actually a trap designed to work exactly as fans just saw it, and Rick ends the problem by writing the same words on a new chest and putting it out in the open again. It won’t be so Rick and Morty Without moving the knife, and just before the bomb explodes, it’s revealed that the Xepthurians actually want Rick’s time-travel technology to come back and prevent the atrocities they’ve committed, making the entire universe a paradise.

Using this recurring element of the show is perfect Rick and Morty A misrepresentation, drawing on both Rick’s wits and his sheer pleasure using the folly of his enemies against them. The fact that Rick constantly gets annoyed with enemies who want his technology is a well-established fact of the show – both the Federation of Galaxies and the Zigerions followed him for this reason – and the idea that he had simple traps in place when they arrived is totally in character.

Despite this, the true purpose of the “Time Travel Stuff” chest remains one that fans never expected, turning the long-running backdrop of the Easter eggs into a violent twist that applies to the spirit of the franchise and Rick’s character. The story also does exactly what fans want from a comic link, adding new context to details from the main show. Now, when? Rick and Morty Fans watching past and future episodes, will know that the seemingly innocuous “Time Travel Stuff” box has a brutal purpose.

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